Nanny Nigeria Training offers childcare courses for nannies and childminders. Our primary focus is on empowering Domestic Workers working in family homes as nannies and housekeepers with all the essential knowledge, practical skills and real confidence they need to take care of children and babies from birth upwards.

Our nanny training course has been running for a while and our goal is to train over 5,000 nannies before the end of 2015. We give the nannies the confidence and essential tools to take care of and stimulate the babies and young children they love and are responsible for both at work and in their communities.

Our nanny course content includes but not limited to:

  • Routines and time management
  • First Aid, including CPR and Mouth to Mouth
  • Childproofing your home and safety indoors and outdoors
  • Hygiene best practices
  • Avoiding the transmission of HIV and TB
  • Nutrition and Menu Planning
  • Developmental Milestones and age appropriate games and activities
  • Basic Baby Massage

In addition to our nanny training course, we offer four supporting short courses.

First Aid: Teaching nannies how to deal with emergencies in order to stabilize the child and get help.

Kidsplay workshops giving nannies new and creative ideas for play and fun time with the children they care for.

Cooking Courses teaching domestic workers, housekeepers and nannies how to prepare food that is easy, nutritious and delicious for the whole family.

Housekeeping teaching effective house cleaning techniques and addresses the need for reducing the use of resources from human time, precious water and power too!

Nanny Course Details

We believe that domestic workers play a valuable role in the lives of our children. We teach them to understand how significant this role is – not only are they accountable for the physical wellbeing of the child but they are also responsible for its growth, development and emotional wellbeing.

We believe in open channels of regular communication between nanny and employer, with the baby’s interests being the number one priority for all.

These are the two primary principles on which we base the nanny training course.

We guide the nannies through a practical, interactive and fun learning process over the period of 2 weeks (3 hours, once a week) discussing and teaching the following:


  • The importance of a daily routine for baby, nanny and parents
  • Planning the day and week to balance housework duties and child care
  • Safety, identifying hazards and creating a childproof environment – inside and outside
  • Stranger danger and personal safety


  • Coping with Emergencies
  • Essential First Aid, including cuts, burns, bruising, fever management etc.
  • Mouth to mouth breathing and CPR


  • Understanding what a healthy diet is made up of (e.g. proteins, why we eat them where we get them from, how much a child needs etc)
  • Weaning and introducing solids
  • Allergenic foods to be aware of
  • Menu planning
  • Hygiene best practice for personal and baby hygiene
  • In depth discussion about HIV and TB and preventing communicable diseases


  • The importance of play
  • Developmental Milestones and supporting games and activities for babies and toddlers
  • Understanding gross and fine motor stimulation
  • Learning through reading and music
  • Basic baby massage techniques

Housekeeping Course Overview

Our basic housekeeping course is offered onsite in Lagos over 3, three hour sessions.

Teaching effective ways to minimize the use of chemicals and time we will customize the course according to your home specifications, based on the following guidelines:

  • Time management
  • Scheduling cleaning
  • Daily cleaning and weekly duties
  • Spring cleaning
  • Cleaning bathrooms and kitchens thoroughly
  • Cleaning appliances
  • Cleaning floors, walls and counters
  • Making and using homemade cleaning agents
  • Managing laundry

The content was developed by pre-school teachers, a physio-therapist, a psychologist and mothers, with particular attention to the developmental milestones and supporting games and activities that one can use to encourage learning. While making sure the child has fun and stays safe and the nanny feels confident and is able to care for all of the growing child’s needs.

Our material and teaching methodology has been as a result of ongoing input and feedback from mothers and nannies, which ensures it is always in line with current thinking, fresh and relevant.

On completion of the course your nanny will receive certificates and manuals – Nanny Nigeria Training manual and certificate and the First Aid manual and certificate.

Why train your nanny more than just First Aid

Prevention is better than cure! For a young, recently mobile baby just able to explore the world by touching, tasting and seeing everything there is to see and finding those hidden things, the home and its surroundings can be a dangerous place. The majority of new moms, first time nannies and grandparents are blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurk in the home, and your baby is a master at finding them. From plug sockets under beds, toilet brushes in the guest loo and moms favourite nail polish in the bed side table. Creating an environment that is safe for the baby to explore without the risk of hurting themselves, is far better than having to deal with a cut finger, broken bone or worse.

Good hygiene starts in the home. Long before the baby is crawling, they have an incredible reach and will put everything they find into their mouths as this is a very reliable source of information it gives them answers to the questions “how does it feel?”, “is it hot or cold”, “what does it taste like?” and more. This includes the old piece of bread that was dropped and not noticed, the toy that the dog stepped on etc, so it is very important that good hygiene is practiced in the home for at least the first few months of the child’s life while their immune systems are developing. Everyone needs to understand the importance of and put into practice the key best practices such as washing hands, sterilizing bottles and not sucking on the dummy before putting it back into baby’s mouth.

A healthy baby is a happy baby and feeding the right foods contributes greatly to the health and growth of the child. With an understanding of nutrients and their sources, your nanny is able to make educated decisions on what to feed the baby once they are weaned off their milk.

There are many learning opportunities that present themselves at home the sounds of barking dogs and singing birds, the smell of freshly squeezed orange juice and freshly washed clothing, the colour of the sky and dad’s socks. The baby’s natural urge to explore is a wonderful opportunity for the care giver to teach a willing and very keen learner. Being able to identify and use these opportunities in addition to learning simple ways to stimulate, teach and entertain the baby appropriately, creates a fun day for both baby and care giver.

A plan, good time management and a structured routine that is stuck to help the nanny to get through her work, care for the baby making sure there is time to play, prepare food, sterilize bottles and finish the ironing all according to the family’s unique needs.

Our nanny training course empowers domestic workers with a thorough understanding of these and a number of other key factors that go towards the complete care of a young child – not just knowing what to do when the unthinkable accident happens! (We include a First Aid Module too).